; NEW in the MAKER service: BPMN charts in CAMUNDA style; The PROF rate. PIN code activation. MAKER; 2:45; Инструкция по активации пин-кода для перехода с базового тарифа на ПРОФ.; 1C interface, why design it before programming?; 16:53; How much does a mistake cost in the early stages of developing solutions on 1C? Why prototype a 1C design before starting development? How do they draw now, and how can they?; How does prototyping save money and time? Using the example of a real project.; 1C translation into English or any other language online in two steps; 1:25; How can I translate the 1C form into English, Spanish, or even Hawaiian in a few clicks? Or is it even more complicated, one speaks English, the other Spanish, as then? This can be easily done with the 1CMaker service, see how!; Share a link and discuss online using Maker for 1C:Company; 2:18; And how do you explain to each other what the future program should look like? A simple and convenient function of 1CMaker is to publish links to the prototype of the future 1C form, sharing and online discussion.; Business optimization using MAKER; 7:01; We are telling you how the first online service for UI and UX design solutions based on 1C:The company helps the project team accelerate development and implementation.